This is a website that houses all client versions from 1.0.5 (currently, earlier versions will probably be added later) to latest, as well as some beta builds that have been found. Every new client build should be automatically downloaded if it is online for more than 5 minutes, as that's how often the script I made checks the /api/releases/client/latest endpoint.
The scraper is free software licensed under GPLv3: Very ghetto I know but it was made in a rush and even then, realistically, the only optimisation I could really do is do parallel downloads, but I think the real bottleneck will be network speeds, as I do not posses the ability to get more than 100mbps on the computer hosting this currently. Sucks to suck.
Also, if you wish to run this, you have to use something like cron to run the script every 5 minutes or however often you want.
Quick disclamer: this technically is breaking the Terms of Service, unless you get permission from Bopimo! (I did). Here is the quote regarding this from the ToS ( "Systematically retrieve data or other content from the Services to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database, or directory without written permission from us.".
Bopihive - Bopimo! Client archive

Joined Dec 2024
Posted 2 months ago