I remade the tutorial! (Sorry Doma ^^')
Deeco 10
Joined Dec 2024

It's just better, easier, and cooler!
Check it out! And vote Better Tutorial for the new tutorial!!!
duhsonic321567 6
Joined Dec 2024
i agree, better tutorial is peaker than domas tutorial
Bobbies 6
Joined Dec 2024
True Dat, its also much easier
v0idd 4
Joined Dec 2024
way better
Deeco 10
Joined Dec 2024
Skeezy 6
Joined Dec 2024
signed but we need more ban domas propaganda in this otherwise it just wont show new players how to act normally
TheRandomJoshua 7
Joined Dec 2024
Really good level! I definitely think it's better suited to the player controls than Doma's version, and despite also being a linear path looks and feels a lot better to play thanks to the amount of level design polish.
However, while I do think it's a good thing for people to play, there are a good few things missing. Obviously you don't really need to cover things like the weird rolling part, or ice physics, or crumbling platforms, or the different powerup panel things. But it DOES feel weird that the roll isn't even mentioned, nor how to stop it properly, as well as the ground pound being missing. Game mechanics and a more expansive amount of tech I absolutely expect to be taught by other levels. But these are base parts of the main moveset, things I wouldn't expect another level to really teach, so their omission here feels odd.
Despite all that, I do want to reiterate, I absolutely love this level. I wish it's the first experience I got to have with the game versus the other tutorial, as it feels much more tailor-made to the controls. I DO think it's a better tutorial for its design, I'm just worried it doesn't cover all it needs to.
Sorry for yapping so much lol
Deeco 10
Joined Dec 2024
Interesting answer!

The blocks that I didn't show seems pretty much self-explanatory, but I did indeed forgot to feature the ground pound that is really important
I wish I could go back cause I don't wanna ruin every clears of people that takes time to speedrun I may ask firecat if the tutorial gets official if I can change it a bit and feature the ground pound somewhere!
CarlLenn 15
Joined Dec 2024
Heya hi deeco!

I think this level is great, but doesn't do the best job at introducing the mechanics or guiding the player. Not to say it is bad, but its not really good either. I'm also not a fan of how you decided to present the level.

Things that are taught badly:
- The first few jumps are too densely placed together, and double jumping should be taught separately.
- The breakable block section is introduced weird as it being the only sign with both controller and keyboard inputs. It is also really cramped and hard to tell that the breakable block is different, as its the same color with a similar texture. A more open area with a breakable block that is differently colored and textured would be great
- Its not taught you can dive in the air, and you also cant double jump after one, so this next part could get a few players stuck. Not sure though. (I do like that there is a lip behind the checkpoint that stops the roll)
- The double jump dive with wall part is explained weirdly, and I think this type of movement shouldn't be in a tutorial as it is moderately difficult for new players.
- I think hang would explain the grate mechanic better. Climb is a little confusing.
- Spring boosts by holding spacebar should be taught after normal spring usage (like jump/ double jump)
- Confusing language around the water. Unsure whether to dive into it or while in the water. Diving while in the water can fling you too far
- Many mechanics left unexplained in both movement mechanics/action blocks. (Rolling completely unexplained, no speed boosts)

Things that are taught well:
- Checkpoints. Intuitively placed and its easy for the player to understand what they are for
- Wall jumps. Walls placed parallel to eachother makes things visually easy to read and feel - intuitive.
- Long jumps. The platform after is at a perfect distance from the starting platform.
- Cannons. Obvious with the amount of options available to the player after the checkpoint
- Crawling. Visually intuitive like wall jumps

Things that are aesthetically/thematically bad:
- Not enough use of the bopimo purple colors. Especially since the logos are recolored. It makes what is supposed to be the player's first introduction to bopimo feel much less like bopimo
- Not enough usage of bopis. The usage of signs to teach rather than bopis make the game have a slight bit less charm, even if the signs look cool. You could probaby get away with having some signs and some bopis

Things that are aesthetically/thematically good:
- The level has a clear theme and feels like an actual place rather than just floating blocks
- Theres a lot of detail in pattern choice, paths and structures
- Its just a darn pretty level!!!

This is a lot better than the normal tutorial in many ways, but also really falters in others.
CarlLenn 15
Joined Dec 2024
^^ sorry if this came off a little disrespectful.
CarlLenn 15
Joined Dec 2024
One last addition I really dont like invisible walls auhghhhgh